ALTA/NSPS Land Title Survey ALTA/NSPS Land Title Survey: A land title survey that meets the specifications set forth in the 2021 Standard Detail Requirements as adopted by the American Land Title Association (ALTA) and the National Society of Professional Surveyors (NSPS). The map would include selected items from the Optional Survey Responsibilities and Specifications of Table “A”.
Boundary Title Survey Boundary Title Survey: A survey made to establish or to reestablish a boundary line on the ground or to obtain data for constructing a map or plat showing a boundary line.
Condominium Certificate Condominium Certificate: Provides a legal record of ownership of a unit in a Condominium Community, certified by a New Jersey Licensed Professional Land Surveyor.
Flood Elevation Certificate Flood Elevation Certificate: An Elevation Certificate is a form completed by a licensed surveyor showing detailed information of a structure’s elevation to see if it is above or below the base flood elevation. An Elevation Certificate is also used to support a Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA) or Letter of Map Revision (LOMR), which are official exceptions to the FEMA Special Flood Hazards.
Green Acre Survey Green Acres Survey: The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) Green Acres Program is responsible for funding the acquisition of lands for conservation and recreational purposes. Land surveys are conducted by New Jersey Licensed Professional Land Surveyors, and corresponding metes and bounds descriptions are prepared for each parcel of land being acquired pursuant to the program rules, using the standard Green Acres Scope of Survey Work for land surveys.
Land Dispute Resolution Survey Land Dispute Resolution Survey: We first perform an extensive search for all available records. This includes prior survey maps, deeds, and filed maps of your property and all of the adjoining property owners. Next, we recover and locate existing boundary evidence on your property and all of the adjoining property owners. We can also perform a detailed location survey of a particular area of concern. We then reduce and analyze the collected field data and determine the most probable location of your boundary lines. Lastly, we prepare a Survey Map showing our findings, and mark your property corners out on the ground. We can also meet with adjoining property owners and any other surveyors involved to help resolve any disputes.
Property Corner Markers Property Corner Markers: The setting of a type of marking that identifies the limits of ownership on the ground.
Topographic Survey Topographic survey: A survey that measures the elevation of points on a particular piece of land, and presents them as contour lines on a plot. A survey that determines ground relief and location of natural and man-made features thereon.